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Rectangle 2.png


UX | UI Project

Rectangle 6.png

The App

Weather app for mobile.

The Idea

Creating weather app, that will have a fresh and clean look.
At the same time, I wanted that the app will show the important
information so the user's eye will catch it as fast as possible.

The UI Design

The Typography

Big Temp - Poppins, Medium, 56 px
City Name - Poppins, Medium, 32 px
Weather cast - Poppins, Regular, 16 px
Text - Poppins, ExtraLight, 16 px

The Colors


The Iconography

The weather icons are my design, made by Illustrator.

The Wireframes

I wanted that the information will be big and centered.
Keeping the screens clean, with the minimal information needed.

Here are some other works

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